Curriculum Vitae

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Irène Balmès



Post-doctoral researcher at Universidade de São Paulo

Nov. 2013-present

PhD researcher at Observatoire de Paris

Sept. 2009-Sept. 2013

Teaching assistant at Observatoire de Paris

Sept. 2010-Sept. 2013

High school teacher in Savalou, Benin

Sept. 2008-Jul. 2009

Research project at Princeton University

Feb. 2007-Aug. 2007

Volunteer in the GENEPI organization

Sept. 2005-Jul. 2006


Sept. 2009-Oct. 2013: PhD in Astronomy & Astrophysics at Observatoire de Paris (diploma delivered by Université Paris 7)

Sept. 2007-Jul. 2008: master 2 Summa Cum Laude in Astronomy & Astrophysics at Observatoire de Paris (diploma delivered by Université Paris 11)

Sept. 2005-Aug. 2010: student at École Normale Supérieure de Paris, in Physics, specialisation in Astronomy & Astrophysics.


French (native), English (fluent, professional use), Portuguese (very good, regular use), Spanish (good, occasional use), Fongbe (beginner)

Main publications

  1. Balmès & Corasaniti, Bayesian approach to gravitational lens model selection: constraining H0 with a selected sample of strong lenses, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013, vol. 431
  2. Balmès, Rasera, Corasaniti & Alimi, Imprints of dark energy on cosmic structure formation - III. Sparsity of dark matter halo profiles, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014, vol. 437
  3. Abramo, Balmès, Lacasa & Lima, Scaling of the 1-halo terms with bias, 2015, arXiv:1506.02315

A complete list of publications is available here.