About me


I completed my PhD in Astronomy & Astrophysics in the LUTh at the Observatoire de Paris, in September 2013. If you are interested in cosmology and want to know how to measure the Hubble constant from strong gravitational lensing events, or how to use dark matter halos to constrain cosmological models, you can download my thesis (large pdf file). Since then I am a post-doctoral researcher at the Universidade de São Paulo. I work mainly on cosmology, on the analysis of N-body simulations. I have also worked on time-delays in strong gravitational lenses.


I love theater and have played since I was a kid. I had the chance of finding a close group of friends, which became an amateur theater group. They let me direct them on stage, and it has been a lot of fun! Unfortunately, I had to give this up while living in São Paulo.

Living abroad

My work has led me to live on different continents. I was born and raised in France, close to Paris. I spent 6 months in Princeton, New Jersey, for a research project with prof. Jim Stone. At the end of my masters, I was restless and wanted to experience something different, which led me to spend one year in Savalou, Benin, as a high school physics teacher. It was an incredible experience, and I came back with a lifetime of stories to tell, and a deeper understanding of myself. As of Nov. 2013, I have been living in São Paulo, Brazil.